Columbia College
Theories in Social Science
Statistics: PSYC/SOCI 324
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Research: PSYC/SOCI 325
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Theories in Social Science
Rules of Logic
The Quantitative Term Project
Study Guide: Research
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Page 6 Survey Example

Theories: Choose One to Base Your Quantitative Research On
   (NOT a comprehensive list: just something to get you going)

Major Paradigms:

A- Nature: Genetics, the actual shape of the brain, instincts, or other in-born factors are related to human behavior
    EXAMPLES MAY INCLUDE: -Demonology     -Mental Illness      -Irresistible Impulse      -Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

 or Nurture: No instincts exist. You are the sum of what others and the environment have socialized you to be. EXAMPLES MAY INCLUDE: -Conformity   -Ritualize    -Retreatism    -Rebellion  -Neutralization

1- Karl Marx's Conflict Theory. Only 2 groups in competition: "Haves" and "Have Nots"

2- Emile Durkhiem's Functionalism Theory. Organic Solidarity: all parts work for the good of the whole
LATER: Structural Functionalism

1- Herbert Mead's Symbolic Interactionalism Theory. Interpretation of self and the construction of reality

Theories Flowing from Paradigms or "Parent" Theories:

Crime / Criminology    (also uses many of the others)

Robert Merton's Theory of Anomie           Sub Culture Theories

Differential Association Theory                 Differential Opportunity Theory

Labeling Theory                                            Cultural Conflict Theory

Lombrosian Theory                                      Somatogenesis Theory

Psychoanalytic Theory of Phobias            Modeling Theory

Exchange Theory

Psychology / Social Psychology

Personality Theories                               Piaget's Development Theory

Jung's Division of Personality Theory      Murray's Need Theory

Classical Conditioning Theory                   Behavioral Theory

Cognitive Development Theory                 Social Learning Theory

Battered Woman Syndrome                        Self Concept Theory

Freud's Id, Ego, Super Ego                         Psychoanalytic Personality Theory

Role Theory                                                  Exchange Theory

Cooley's Looking Glass Self                      Self Theory of Deviance

Deindividuation Theory                             Impression Management Theory

Correspondent Inference Theory             Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Self Perception Theory                               Balance Theory

Reinforcement Theory                                Romantic Attraction Theories

Blau's Structural Assimilation Theory   Erikson's Psychosocial Development Theory

Personality Disorders Theory

Sociology / Social Work

Ecological Theory                                        Differential Anticipation Theory

Containment Theory                          Sutherland's Differential Association Theory

Differential Opportunity Theory               Differential Identification Theory

Hirschi's Social Control Theory                Trade and Imitation Theory

Interaction Theory                                      Normative Behavior Theory

Reference Group Theories                         Disengagement Theory

Anomie and Alienation                              Thomas Theorem

Differential Association-Reinforcement Theory

Some Players in Social Psychology and Their Contributions
names in bold are considered to be major contributors

Psychology and Sociology:                                               Historical Events

Karl Marx  mid to late 1800s Conflict paradigm
Frederick Engles

Charles von Ehrenfel  1890 Gestalt therapy

Emile Durkheim late 1800s Functionalism for Soc

William James late 1800s The "Self" with 2 parts

Max Weber late 1800s Empiricism to study people

Norman Triplett  1895 1st empirical study
                                   of Social Psychology

John Dewy early 1900s Functionalism for Psychology

Alfred Binet 1905 intelligence scale

Sigmund Freud 1908 Psychosexual stages
                                     Psychoanalytic theory

Ivan P Pavlov early 1900s classical conditioning

Hermann Rorschach early 1900s ink blot tests

Georg Simmel early 1900s social interaction and the
                                     number of people involved

Carl Jung 1913 analytical psychology

Floyd H. Allport  1924 3rd major publication
                                   concerning the emerging
                                   perspective of psych
                                   social psychology
Edward Borgardus 1925 social distance scale

W. I. Thomas 1928 the definition of reality (the situation)

Louis Thurstone 1928 attitude scale

Rensis Likert 1932 attitude measured on
                                Likert scale

George Herbert Mead 1934 Symbolic Interactionalism
                                       Role Taking  Role making
                                       the Generalized Other

Richard T LaPiere 1934 attitude-behavior discrepancy

Charles Horton Cooley 1930s The Looking-glass Self

Muzafir Sherif 1936 normative formation

John Dollard 1939 frustration-aggression

Burrhus F Skinner early to mid 1900s classical
Kurt Lewin
1941 helped establish the profession
                           of psych social psychology
                           Also: Gestalt theory

Carl Howland 1949 attitude change and

Theodor Adorno 1950 authoritarian personality

Theodore Newcomb 1951 concern that this
                                  field was expecting too
                                  much of itself

Solomon Asch 1951 conformity to false
                               majority judgments

Robert Merton mid 1950s goal-means gap theory

Abraham H Maslov mid 1900s humanism and 
                                  personality theory based on
                                  hierarchy of needs

Carl Rogers mid 1900s therapy where the individual
                                     finds their own answer through
Gordon Allport 1954 "The Nature of Prejudice"

Karl Popper mid 1950s the Null Hypothesis:
                             to avoid bias, try to prove
                              yourself WRONG

Herbert Blumer 1955 Chicago School of Symbolic
                                    Interactionalism -similar to Mead

Erving Goffman 1956 dramatalurgical school
                      The Presentation of Every-day Self

Leon Festinger 1957 cognitive dissonance

Fritz Heider 1958 attribution theory

Melvin Kohn 1959 the influence of social class on
                         parental values towards their kids

Jean Piaget 1961 undifferented perception
          earlier: child psychology

George Homans 1961 Social Exchange theory with 2 people

Stanley Miligram 1963 obedience to authority

Manford Kuhn 1964 Iowa School of Symbolic
                                   Interactionalism - use the same
                                  research methodologies that other
                                 social and natural sciences use

Peter Blau 1964 indirect interactions

Eric Erickson 1965 Psychosocial stages

Edward Jones  1965 social perception and
Kenneth Davis          social cognition

Howard Becker 1966 the subjective use of drugs

Elaine Hatfield 1966 interpersonal & romantic
Ellen Berscheid 1969  attractions

Harold Garfinkel 1967  Ethnomethodology

John Darley 1968 bystander intervention
Bibb Latane          model

Louis Zurcher 1970s self-definitions of college students
                                using the 20 Statements Test

Robert Wickland 1972 self-awareness
Shelly Duval  influences cognition and
Sandra Bern 1974 Sex Role Inventory

George McCall 1974 symbolic Interactionalism reward theory

Nancy Chodorow 1978 women and nurturing

Alice Eagly 1981 gender comparisons

Susan Fiske  1984 social cognitive
Shelly Taylor            perspective

Howard Kaplan 1984 deviant behavior is associated
                                     with negative self esteem

Richard Petty  1986 dual process model
John Cacioppo         of  persuasion

Jennifer Crocker 1989 how people respond
Brenda Major   to being discriminated against

Hazel Markus  1991  how culture shapes
Shinobu Kitayama     the self

Claude Steele 1995 negative stereotypes can
Joshua Aronson  shape intellectual identity and performance 

Franzoi, S.L. (2006) Social Psychology, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York.

Lindesmith, A.R., Strauss, A.L., & Denzin, N.K. (1991) Social Psychology, 7th Ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Stephan, C.W. & Stephan, W.G. (1990) Two Social Psychologies, 2nd Ed., Wadsworth, Belmont, CAL .

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